2024-2029 Strategic Plan
Together, we can take a huge leap forward toward a vibrant future.
Our Approach
The KCAI 2024-2029 Strategic Plan integrates invaluable insights from faculty, staff, students, alumni, board members, donors, and the broader Kansas City arts community.
We believe the thoughtfulness of our approach successfully represents the entire KCAI Community and the directions in which the college needs to grow.
The vision of KCAI is to be a regionally preeminent and nationally acclaimed leader in art and design education known for preparing artists and designers for sustainable and transformative futures.
The mission of KCAI is to educate artists and designers while honoring the distinct journeys of students. We forge a vibrant community that equips them to become leaders who leverage the creative process to transform the future.
KCAI has always valued integrity, respect, accountability, diversity, creativity, and community.
Strategic Pillars
1. Teaching & Learning
2. Student Success
3. Culture of Inclusivity, Creativity & Exploration
4. Space & Facilities
5. The KCAI Story
6. Financial Sustainability