Ian U Lockaby is the author of Defensible Space/if a crow—, forthcoming from Omnidawn in October 2024, and A Seam of Electricity, forthcoming from Ghost Proposal. His poetry has recently been or will soon be published in Fence, Bennington Review, Ecotone, Poetry Northwest, Volt, MQR Mixtape, and elsewhere. His translations of Latin American poets have been published in journals such as Black Warrior Review, Circumference, and Denver Quarterly, as well as chapbooks from Cardboard House Press and Carrion Bloom Books. He founded and edits the online journal mercury firs, and with poet fahima ife, co-edits the forthcoming journal/press LUCIUS. He lives in New Orleans.

Emily Stoddard (she/her) is a writer of essays and poetry, with work in the Kenyon Review, Belt Magazine, Baltimore Review, Radar, and elsewhere. She is a past recipient of the Developmental Editing Fellowship in creative nonfiction from the Kenyon Review.  She also coordinates the Poetry Bulletin, a research project and resource for poets to make the publishing process more accessible.  Emily’s debut poetry book, Divination with a Human Heart Attached, is out now from Game Over Books.