Jedel Visiting Artist : Beili Liu
Date & Time
Oct. 20, 2022 @ 7 p.m.
Epperson Auditorium
KCAI Sculpture Department hosts the annual Jedel Visiting Artists to engage students in creating new artworks that enhance their educational experience with contemporary ideas. The program is underwritten by the Jedel Family Foundation, which brings nationally recognized artists to KCAI and Kansas City for an annual talk and to engage with students and faculty.
According to Chair of Sculpture Jill Downen, the internationally recognized artists in this series impact KCAI students with direct experience through hands-on workshops and dialogue which culminates in a public lecture with Current Perspectives. “The generosity of each Jedel artist provides a deep and memorable experience for students to understand the relationship between creative practice, career, and contemporary ideas in sculpture,” Jill said.
Past Jedel Vising Artists include Amy Franceschini and Lode Vranken of Futurefarmers, Shawn Brixey, Clare Qualmann and Claire Hind.